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Down Darker Trails

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San Rafael - Session 2 December 19, 2023 Call of Cthulhu & Mythic GME & Down Darker Trails Last time, Memo Rodríguez, a New Mexican cowboy, arrived in the Texas border town of San Rafael to follow up on the relatives of Los Díaz, a San Rafael - Session 1 November 12, 2023 Call of Cthulhu & Mythic GME & Down Darker Trails I’m still playing Pulp Cthulhu in the Down Darker Trails (DDT) setting with the Mythic Game Master Emulator (GME). I decided to keep using the same The Children of Aguas Blancas - Session 2 October 30, 2023 Call of Cthulhu & Mythic GME & Down Darker Trails This is the continuation of the previous session, and as before there are some spoilers for the scenario “The Secret of Castronegro” from the The Children of Aguas Blancas - Session 1 October 29, 2023 Call of Cthulhu & Mythic GME & Down Darker Trails For this solo game, I have decided to give Mythic GM Emulator (2nd Edition) a try, together with Call of Cthulhu. For the latter, I’m also using the