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Adventures in Acid Death Fantasy - Part 4 April 1, 2023 Troika & Acid Death Fantasy & One Page Solo Engine & Scarlet Heroes & Vaults of Vaarn & Lexicon Urthus Zamug has journeyed through the wastes outside of the great city of Shurupak and reached Zulmek, a Dunehold of the Alqai, searching for an artisan Adventures in Acid Death Fantasy - Part 3 March 31, 2023 Troika & Acid Death Fantasy & One Page Solo Engine & Scarlet Heroes In the last session, Zamug, an agent for a Freshwater Grub crime lord, found the Starsleigh, which was a crashed golden barge in the form of a Adventures in Acid Death Fantasy - Part 2 March 27, 2023 Troika & Acid Death Fantasy & One Page Solo Engine & Trilemma This adventure will use The Oracle’s Decree, albeit from the Trilemma Adventures Compendium. I made some monster conversions in advance and decided Adventures in Acid Death Fantasy - Part 1 March 25, 2023 Troika & Acid Death Fantasy & Scarlet Heroes & Worlds Without Number & One Page Solo Engine I’ve been immersed in games descended from Dungeons and Dragons lately, playing them as a form of “comfort gaming”. However, my thoughts have been Acid Death Fantasy Experiment March 22, 2023 Troika & Vaults of Vaarn & Tome of Adventure Design & Lexicon Urthus & One Page Solo Engine & Acid Death Fantasy & Worlds Without Number I love Dying Earth-styled science fantasy, but this time I’ll use the Acid Death Fantasy (ADF) sourcebook for Troika! as a starting point. Together Solo Gothic - Part 8 March 1, 2023 Searchers of the Unknown & Krevborna & One Page Solo Engine & Perilous Wilds & The Monster Overhaul Our group is entering an ancient ruin that used to be some sort of airship hangar. The airships are long gone, but a senior leader in the Incendiary Solo Gothic - Part 7 February 27, 2023 Searchers of the Unknown & Krevborna & One Page Solo Engine The group re-entered the Sleeping Vault after burying Cethegus, later finding the Chamber of the Damned with its portal to the infernal underworld. Solo Gothic - Part 6 February 26, 2023 Searchers of the Unknown & Krevborna & One Page Solo Engine & Tome of Adventure Design & Perilous Wilds & The Monster Overhaul The group has just finished burying one of their own in the Silent Forest outside the entrance to the Sleeping Vault. They didn’t get farther than Solo Gothic - Part 4 February 22, 2023 Searchers of the Unknown & Krevborna & One Page Solo Engine & The Monster Overhaul Diving right back into the narrative from where I left off after the rules discussion in the previous post. And as you’ll see, nothing goes as Solo Gothic - Part 3 February 21, 2023 Searchers of the Unknown & Krevborna & One Page Solo Engine & Into the Odd & Worlds Without Number & The Monster Overhaul & A Place Underground & Perilous Wilds Still in the Monastery of St. Othric, our three members of the Labyrinth Dredgers (Ataulf, Melisanda, and Cethegus), plus a temporary companion Solo Gothic - Part 2 February 20, 2023 Searchers of the Unknown & Krevborna & One Page Solo Engine & Scarlet Heroes & The Monster Overhaul Our explorers (Ataulf, Cethegus, and Melisanda) have travelled to northwest Krevborna on a mission from the Labyrinth Dredgers to explore one of the Solo Gothic - Part 1 February 19, 2023 Searchers of the Unknown & Cthulhu Dark & Krevborna & One Page Solo Engine & The Monster Overhaul Most of the previous post dealt with setting things up, although we did set up a starting situation. The explorers entered a Grail Tomb looking for Solo Gothic - Part 0 February 17, 2023 Searchers of the Unknown & Cthulhu Dark & Krevborna & One Page Solo Engine & The Monster Overhaul I’m going ultralight this time. Searchers of the Unknown (SotU) is a game that takes the D&D B/X stat block for monsters and assumes PCs don’t Star Wars d6 Solo - Part 4 June 15, 2022 Star Wars d6 & One Page Solo Engine I’m giving this one more show with another PC, albeit tied into the story line of course. I’ll stick with the One Page Solo Engine, and in fact I Star Wars d6 Solo - Part 3 June 13, 2022 Star Wars d6 & One Page Solo Engine Since the previous two sessions effectively served as prologue or backstory, now I’m going to change up my approach. Everything that is not specific