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Dyson's Delve

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Dyson’s Delve and Swords & Wizardry - Retrospective August 9, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry Having now wrapped up an entire solo playthrough of Dyson’s Delve with Swords & Wizardry, I wanted to think a little about how the dungeon felt, the Dyson’s Delve - Session 21 August 8, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan This should be the final session of Dyson’s Delve, one way or another. Like in the previous session, I am keeping downtime fast and loose, because Dyson’s Delve - Session 20 August 7, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan I suspect this is the penultimate session in this Dyson’s Delve campaign, unless they all die horribly today. My to-do list (again, not necessarily Dyson’s Delve - Session 19 August 5, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan & D30 Sandbox Companion The campaign is definitely in its last stages; we’ve cleared 8 of the 11 levels of Dyson’s Delve. So I have a to-do list for this session to keep Dyson’s Delve - Session 18 August 4, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan & Tome of Adventure Design & The Monster Overhaul The last session was a tremendous success, if a real nail-biter. The party not only regained some of its honor by bringing back the petrified Dyson’s Delve - Session 17 August 3, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan & The Monster Overhaul & D30 Sandbox Companion Every time I play this game, I get a better sense of how much it differs from modern editions of D&D. The game has a different focus in many ways, Dyson’s Delve: Session 16 August 1, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan & The Monster Overhaul Making a slightly shorter delve and taking less risk paid off last time for the new adventurers. Let’s see how that approach works again. Last time, Dyson’s Delve - Session 15 July 31, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan & The Monster Overhaul The group has been depleted and it’s time to roll up a few new characters, in the hopes that they can survive long enough to level up rapidly from Dyson’s Delve - Session 14 July 29, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan & Tome of Adventure Design & D30 Sandbox Companion Last delve saw the more-or-less total destruction of the elemental cult that had taken up residence in an ancient temple. But it also saw the party Dyson’s Delve - Session 13 July 28, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan & The Monster Overhaul After a near-TPK, I have been making a lot of notes about making sure I’m a better player when on that side of the game. Solo RPGing means I am Dyson’s Delve - Session 12 July 27, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan Last session of Dyson’s Delve turned out more eventful than I had anticipated. This session will deal with the aftermath of those events and, Dyson’s Delve - Session 11 July 25, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan I’ve been thinking a lot about how to tackle the upcoming challenges in Dyson’s Delve. At this point, the group has pretty much run into the limits Dyson’s Delve - Session 10 July 23, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan While exploring into a deeper level than they were really ready for, the group finally ran into another party of adventurers in Dyson’s Delve. Dyson’s Delve - Session 9 July 20, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan As I continue to play through Dyson’s Delve using Swords & Wizardry (affiliate link), I’ve gotten into a good groove of session structure. Nobody Dyson’s Delve - Session 8 July 18, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry & Downtime in Zyan After having raided most or all of the original dungeon, the group will spend a little time in the local settlement before returning to their delve. Dyson’s Delve - Session 7 July 17, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry Thanks to friends and readers who have told me how they’re following and enjoying these play reports. Truthfully, I do these for my own fun, but Dyson’s Delve - Session 6 July 15, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry The adventurers have cleared out the goblins from the first couple of levels of Dyson’s Delve, but they want to head back into the dungeon. The Dyson’s Delve - Session 5 July 13, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry Finally, I have a group that survived an expedition into Dyson’s Delve. I’ve updated my roster, done some map coloring, and generally gotten ready Dyson’s Delve - Session 4 July 12, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry I’ve decided to go back into the Dyson’s Delve mini-megadungeon, carrying forward the one character that survived. However, I’ve made a few Dyson’s Delve - Session 3 July 9, 2024 OD&D & Dyson's Delve & Swords & Wizardry Before getting started, a few notes about last session: First, I forgot to use some of Fyat’s gnomish and thievery abilities. That likely cost his Dyson’s Delve: Session 2 July 7, 2024 Dyson's Delve & OD&D & Swords & Wizardry Continuing from Session 1, the party found an entrance down into the sub-surface levels of an old ruined watchtower inhabited by goblin raiders. Dyson’s Delve: Session 1 July 6, 2024 Dyson's Delve & OD&D & Swords & Wizardry I’ve decided to explore the updated 2019 version of Dyson’s Delve using Swords & Wizardry. As far as I know, this is still just a Patreon exclusive,