Solo Skald |||

Dyson’s Delve - Session 5

Finally, I have a group that survived an expedition into Dyson’s Delve. I’ve updated my roster, done some map coloring, and generally gotten ready for this next expedition. As a reminder, I’m using the Swords & Wizardry Completed Revised rules plus the associated Book of Options (affiliate links).

House Rules

  • Characters start with maximum HP at first level.
  • Initial attributes are rolled 3d6 in order, then any one pair may be swapped.
  • Random encounter procedures are replaced with the Underclock by Arnold K.
  • Characters wielding a shield can ignore the damage from one attack at the cost of the shield being destroyed.
  • Opening doors and listening use the worker placement method described by Marcia B.
  • Searching a room for hidden treasure uses the same method as locating secret doors, including bonuses from ancestry (e.g. elves have a chance to notice just passing by without an active search). This also uses the worker placement method.
  • Combat rounds take about 1 minute each, but this is fairly abstract and shouldn’t be taken too literally. Effectively, this means that any combat takes the rest of whatever exploration turn it starts in. Combat rounds should not be assumed to represent individual swings of a weapon or such.
  • Additional XP are awarded for Feats of Exploration from 3d6DTL (affiliate link).

I’m considering rounding the percentile chances for the thief-type abilities to the nearest X-in-6, but for now I’ll continue to use the rules as written.


All characters have a backpack, waterskin, and some dried rations suitable for a dungeon environment.

  • Anela: Necromancer 1 (Stygian). AC 10, 4 hp. Wields a scythe and darts. Carries 2 flasks of lamp oil. Passes as human but has bonuses to reaction rolls and limited darkvision. Knows the following spells:
    • detect undead
    • false death
    • hold undead
    • last words
    • read necromantic magic
    • silent as the grave
    • sleep (prepared)
    • spectral hand
  • Chuckles: Barbarian 1 (Human). AC 13, 10 hp. Wears leather armor +1. Wields a bastard sword in melee and carries two spears for missile attacks. He also has skills in tracking and some thief-like abilities.
  • Khnar: Fighter 1 (Elf). AC 14, 9 hp. Wears leather armor and a shield. Wields a battle axe and a shortbow. Can parry enemy melee attacks.
  • Krimkol: Priest 1 (Dwarf). AC 13, 8 hp. Wears leather armor and a shield. Wields a battle axe. Can turn undead and has bonuses when dealing with dwarven followers.
  • Parouz: Blade 1 (Elf). AC 12, 7 hp. Wears leather armor. Wields a longsword. Knows the following spells:
    • detect magic
    • hold portal
    • light
    • protection from evil
    • read magic
    • shield
    • sleep (prepared)

Regarding those Feats of Exploration, the Total XP Needed (TXP) for the next level across all five characters is 12000. Thus minor feats will gain 240 XP, major feats will gain 600 XP, and extraordinary feats will gain 1200 XP for the group.


Before the group heads back into the delve, I want to do a bit of restocking. After some consideration, it occurred to me that this might give me a chance to use some of the new monsters from the S&W Fiends and Foes book from the same Kickstarter as the Book of Options.

Up on level 1, then, I will add some feral undead cats and a ratling to a few rooms as well as the wandering monster tables. The ratling in particular will be carrying treasure (the second treasure hoard table in S&W). I am replacing the goblins” and hobgoblins” entries on the level 1 wandering monster table with these new creatures. This may not come up unless they tarry on level 1, though, so I am not spending too much time planning this out.

Also, before they go, they will make some preparations to deal with the fire beetles they saw in case they are indeed aggressive. That mostly involves buying some extra lamp oil. I set the Underclock to 20 and off they go.

Below is a scan of the portion of the level that ends up being explored in this session together with the previous one.

Dyson’s Delve Level 2, scanned Cartography by Dyson Logos (c) 2019

Turn 1

As in the previous outing, the adventurers enter through the limestone cave. They note that there are three chambers to the sides, but they’re focused on the goblins and will leave those for another trip.

Chuckles lights his torch, which will last through the end of turn 6. As before, he will scout ahead; the rest of the marching order is Khnar, Krimkol, Anela, and Parouz.

As a reminder, each turn I roll the Underworld die and subtract that value from the Underclock.

  • Underworld die: 5
  • Underclock: 20-5=15

Turn 2

Chuckles squeezes through the narrow passages, and to his relief doesn’t encounter any changes in them. They can still get to the corridor of the dungeon itself without having to see what might have taken up residence in the tower ruins above.

  • Underworld die: 6+3=9
  • Underclock: 15-9=6

Underworld dice explode on maximum rolls, meaning I roll again and add the result. The tension can increase quickly sometimes.

Turn 3

The adventurers reach the descent down to level 2 and pause to listen before proceeding. They hear nothing, fortunately, and so on this expedition it seems like they aren’t going to meet any of the new residents of this level.

  • Underworld die: 2
  • Underclock: 6-2=4

Turn 4

Down in level 2, they decide to bypass the room with the fire beetles for now. They know there are some goblins running around here, and they want to deal with the definite threat before some hopefully non-aggressive creatures. On this turn, that gets them to the limit of their previous exploration to the south.

  • Underworld die: 4
  • Underclock: 4-4=0

When the Underclock reaches exactly 0, the party gets an omen of what’s coming, and the Underclock resets to 3. This time, they hear some goblin chatter - but at a deeper tone, indicating something larger and stronger.

Turn 5

At a small intersection, they can see a door off down the corridor to their left (east). But there are some alcoves here, so they spend a turn searching for possible secret doors, treasure and supplies, etc. Unfortunately, there’s nothing here.

  • Underworld die: 6+4=10
  • Underclock: 3-10=-7

The encounter occurs, and indeed a pair of hobgoblins approach. It’s been some time since their previous expedition, so the immediate threat might have died down. As a result, I’ll roll for their reaction, 2d6+2 (including the bonus from Anela): 13, meaning the group seems initially friendly. That said, the group here is indeed approaching with hostile intent, so they give the hobgoblins an ultimatum: clear out of the area or else. To model this, I will roll morale for the hobgoblins; if they roll above their morale, thus failing, they’ll flee, else combat will occur: failure! The hobgoblins are allowed to vacate. (This counts as a victory for XP purposes.)

The Underclock now resets to 20.

Turn 6

The group sets up outside the door. Chuckles listens at the door and hears nothing, so Krimkol will attempt to open it. On a success, Khnar and Parouz will be ready to rush in and attack. Chuckles and Anela have their missile weapons (spears and darts, respectively) ready.

The roll to open the door succeeds, and the adventurers enter the room, shield and weapons at the ready. Inside, they find four goblins, the two hobgoblins from the previous encounter having fled. The goblins aren’t surprised, though, as they heard whatever noise had led the hobgoblins to go investigate.

  • Goblins (4): HD 1d6 (1, 2, 4, 5 hp); AC 13; Atk 1 weapon (1d6); MV 9; Save 18; Morale 7

Round 1: None of the adventurers are intending to cast spells, but they do win the initiative. Chuckles throws a spear at a goblin in back, but it misses, as does Anela’s dart. In melee, Khnar and Parouz run forward, and they strike down the two goblins in front. The two surviving goblins can’t get through the adventurers’ defenses, and they decide to surrender.

The group forces them to flee, with a warning that they will be killed on sight in the future. Chuckles relights a torch.

  • Underworld die: 6+4=10
  • Underclock: 20-10=10

Turn 7

Searching the room, they find a decent amount of treasure! The hobgoblins left behind 1000 gp, a battle axe +1, and two potions of healing. Krimkol takes the axe as spoils of war, and Parouz and Khnar split the coins for carrying purposes. Anela will carry the potions of healing.

There’s a door on the right wall (south) in this living chamber.

  • Underworld die: 6+5=11
  • Underclock: 10-11=-1

A hobgoblin comes through the door! (The Underclock also resets to 20.)

Turn 8

Is he surprised to see the intruders? No, not particularly, but he’s not hostile, either. He must be here to parley. After all, the local goblin band has suffered quite a few losses from these incursions. (I decide this is the hobgoblin guard from one of the nearby rooms.)

But the group isn’t really here to parley, exactly. They give him the same ultimatum: depart or else. He fails his morale check and returns to his boss. That’s sort of bad news, I suppose, since it means the boss is prepared and will likely be hostile.

With that, the group decides to press forward and do what they came to do, clearing out this dungeon of the raiders.

  • Underworld die: 4
  • Underclock: 20-4=16

Turn 9

In the corridor leading south, there are two doors, one at the end and one to their right (west). They aren’t sure which door has the boss, so Chuckles listens to the right and Parouz and Anela listen ahead. They hear nothing from the right, but there are sounds of scraping and low goblin voices ahead. That’s the way to go, they decide, rather than leave an enemy able to strike them from the rear.

Krimkol will attempt to open the door, and if successful, Chuckles and Anela will launch their missile attacks while Khnar tries to block with the shield and Parouz prepares to cast sleep.

The door opens successfully; inside, they see two hobgoblins (including the guard they met earlier and his boss) as well as two goblin advisors.

  • Hobgoblins (2): HD 1+1 (5, 9 hp); AC 14; Atk 1 weapon (1d8); MV 9; Save 17; Morale 8
  • Goblins (2): HD 1d6 (1, 5 hp); AC 13; Atk 1 weapon (1d6); MV 9; Save 18; Morale 7

There’s no real chance of surprise here, so we go straight to the rounds.

Round 1: As noted, Parouz is preparing to cast sleep on the hobgoblins. The adventurers win initiative, so missiles are launched! Chuckles throws a spear at a goblin advisor, killing one of them. Anela throws a dart at the other but can’t get through the armor. That surviving hobgoblin fires an arrow at Khnar and hits him for 3 damage (down to 6 hp). In melee, Khnar swipes with his battleaxe at the hobgoblin guard, striking him for 4 damage (down to 1 hp). Having popped the door open, Krimkol is flat-footed until the next round. The hobgoblins attack Khnar and Krimkol, hitting Khnar for another 3 damage (down to 3 hp). Krimkol is unscathed. Parouz’s sleep spell finishes casting and both hobgoblins fall into an enchanted slumber.” At the end of the round, the little goblin passes its morale check.

Round 2: The goblin wins initiative this time and slashes at Khnar, hitting him for 1 damage (down to 2 hp). Khnar and Krimkol can’t hit the monster, but Chuckles runs in with an ear-shattering battle cry and strikes the goblin down.

The hobgoblins are executed by the adventurers. This removes most, but not all, of the goblin threat in this dungeon.

Turn 10

While Khnar rests and consumes a ration (to regain his hp), the rest of the group searches the room for treasure. That includes a pouch of 6x 100gp gems, a set of silver bracers worth 800 gp, and a jeweled golden torc worth 1500 gp.

I’ll make two Underworld dice rolls for the rest:

  • Underworld die: 1+2=3
  • Underclock: 16-3=13

The Underworld die also increases to a d8 now.

Turn 11

The group goes back to that remaining door nearby. Krimkol opens it with no trouble. Inside, they find two more goblins. This actually catches the adventurers unaware, who thought this room was empty. The two elves drop their weapons in surprise.

I decide to give the goblins a -2 situational modifier to their reaction roll (canceling out Anela’s bonus): they hesitate, though, waiting to size things up. As before, the adventurers give them the ultimatum, including showing them the proof that their boss has been defeated.Rather than flee, though, they decide to fight! (That did give the adventurers a chance to pick their weapons back up, though.)

  • Goblins (2): HD 1d6 (5, 6 hp); AC 13; Atk 1 weapon (1d6); MV 9; Save 18; Morale 7

Round 1: No spells, but simultaneous initiative. Anela and Chuckles throw their missiles, and one of the darts strikes a goblin for 2 damage (down to 4 hp). One of the goblins runs over and unpens a giant ferret in an alcove! In melee, Krimkol kills the remaining goblin. Anela throws two more darts at the goblin but misses it.

  • Giant Ferret: HD 1+1 (5 hp); AC 14; Atk 1 bite (1d8); MV 15; Save 17; Morale 8

Round 2: No spells this time, either, and the groups move at the same time. Anela throws a dart at the goblin without success. In melee, the goblin attacks Krimkol and the ferret will go for Khnar. Each of those will defend against those attacks, joined by Chuckles and Parouz, respectively. The goblin misses Krimkol and survives the counter-attacks. Khnar can’t quite parry the ferret’s bite, and takes 7 damage (down to 2 hp). Neither elf is able to hit the ferret.

Round 3: The adventurers win initiative. Anela joins the fight against the goblin, but only Chuckles is able to hit it for 2 damage (down to 2 hp). Khnar puts an end to the ferret, and so Parouz is freed up to attack the goblin (unsuccessfully). The goblin is unable to hit any of the adventurers, but somehow continues to pass its morale checks.

Round 4: Again, the adventurers go first, and they’re all focused on the goblin. Krimkol faces it from the front, as does Khnar, while the others will get bonuses for attacking from behind. Not that that matters, because Khnar finally strikes it down.

  • Underworld die: 4
  • Underclock: 13-4=9

Turn 12

Nothing of value is found here. They’ll go check out the fire beetle room next, and that will (as far as they know) complete all that they’ve found in this level of the dungeon. Additionally, that completes a major feat of exploration: the quest to clear the goblins out of these ruins!

Chuckles relights a torch.

  • Underworld die: 1
  • Underclock: 9-1=8

Turn 13

Back at the entrance to the room where they can see fire beetles, the archway is still blocked by old furniture. Krimkol will chop through it with his axe, and if the fire beetles are aggressive, the others will toss flaming oil and try to hold them off, then finish off any survivors.

The fire beetles react hesitatingly: they’re aware of the entrance of these people, but they’re not immediately aggressive. The adventures move slowly and carefully to search the room, and I give the beetles one more reaction roll, but they are calmed when no one approaches them or moves too quickly.

Inside the room, the group finds a small locked coffer containing 2000 gp.

  • Underworld die: 2
  • Underclock: 8-2=6

Turn 14

On the return, I’ll make two more rolls for the Underworld die. The first one counts as being on level 2, and the second one counts as being on level 1.

  • Underworld die: 5
  • Underclock: 6-5=1

Back in level 1:

  • Underworld die: 1
  • Underclock: 1-1=0

That’s an omen, not an encounter, and so they find fresh giant rat droppings along their way. But the rats themselves don’t seem to be visible.

Experience and Rewards

  • Monsters: 4 hobgoblins @ 15 XP each; 1 giant ferret @ 15 XP each; 8 goblins @ 10 XP each
  • Treasure: 3000 gp, pouch of 6x 100gp gems, set of silver bracers worth 800 gp, and a jeweled golden torc worth 1500 gp, battle axe +1, 2 potions of healing
  • Feat of Exploration: 1 major: goblin quest (600 XP)

That’s a total of 60+15+80=155 XP for the monsters, 3000+600+800+1500=5900 XP for the treasure, and 600 XP for the feat. That’s 6655 XP total, or 1331 XP each (before any bonuses). They’re all fairly close to level 2, but not quite there.

The monetary treasure divides out to 1180 gp each. Next time, Chuckles will need to spend most of it on a big party, because barbarians do not keep more wealth than they can comfortably carry. What’s the point of baubles if you may die tomorrow?

The other adventurers will probably improve their equipment, and Anela will seek out a sage to learn more about the bone spikes she found in the previous expedition. What could be lurking underneath the goblin lair?

Up next Dyson’s Delve - Session 4 Pilgrimage of the Sun Guard: Zachariah
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