Solo Skald |||

This should be the final session of Dyson’s Delve, one way or another.


Like in the previous session, I am keeping downtime fast and loose, because the narrative is wrapping up. They know they are intending to face a dragon, and that requires them to be at their best.

Downtime: Chuckles

Who are we kidding? If he’s going to meet his end at the claws of a dragon, he’s going to do it with a smile on his face. He’s going to go as full-throttle as possible in his partying and revelry, spending 500 gp on a night of utter debauchery (and earning 500 XP for it). He also finds a patron, as Maseera (despite, or perhaps because of, his manipulative ways) picks up half of the tab.

Downtime: Krimkol

At the end of the previous session, Krimkol earned enough XP to reach 5th level as a Dwarven Priest. He gains 5 more hit points, an additional bonus to his saving throws, another +1 to his to-hit, and an additional 2nd-level spell each day. (He also gains an extra attach each round against low-level monsters, but that’s unlikely to come up in this session.)

Based on that, he will pray for bless, silence, protection from evil, and detect evil.

He’ll spend his downtime on spiritual exercises, praying for a better understanding of his staff of healing, and finally he succeeds! He completes the third step, and he may now roll the die twice and take the better result when using the staff to heal. When this adventure is complete, however, he will need to complete a pilgrimage to resolve a spiritual conundrum.

Downtime: Parouz

Unlike Chuckles, she will spend her time honing her martial abilities, practicing with Shyup and Maple. She gains a +1 to hit and a +1 to AC (melee) until the next downtime, assuming she survives her encounter with the dragon.

As a 4th-level Elfblade, she can prepare one 2nd-level spell, and she memorizes strength to cast on Shyup before the main battle. For her three 1st-level spells, she prepares shield, magic missile, and (in case of minions on the way) sleep.

Downtime: Shyup

Like Krimkol, Shyup also advanced a level at the end of the previous session. He gains 5 more hit points as well as the saving throw bonus and additional attack against low-level monsters.

He’ll spend his downtime training with Parouz, preparing for the dragon. He not only gains a temporary +1 to hit and +1 to AC (melee), but he also gains a +1 to damage.

Downtime: Maple

Maple didn’t level up this last time, but she knows that she needs to step up her game in terms of combat. Being less skilled, though, her training only gains her a +1 to AC (against melee) until the next downtime.


Going for a dragon in its lair is no easy task. They’ll need to ensure they approach with as many factors in their favor as possible.

Therefore, this time Chuckles will plan to wield a shield. He could upgrade to ring armor, but since he’s already wearing leather +1, that would just be the same protection. The ring of protection +1 will also help in case he attracts the dragon’s direct ire. While he has been using a magic war hammer, the mace +2 is a slight upgrade, and he has two spears for throwing.

Krimkol will likely be with him, preferring to use his staff of healing and generally support the party. But he will be able to move into melee with his battle axe +1 if necessary. When they get to the cavern leading to the dragon, he’ll cast bless on as many of the party as possible and protection from evil on himself. If needed, he can also cast silence on the thief to assist her getting in position.

Parouz has a long sword +1 / +3 against casters, although they are uncertain whether this particular dragon has magic capabilities. (She could use the two-handed sword that Maple carries, but it might interfere with her ability to cast spells.) When they arrive at the cavern, she’ll cast strength on Shyup, shield on herself, and (if she can’t get behind it) magic missile on the dragon. Additionally, she wears boots of levitation, though it’s not clear yet how she might use them to her advantage.

Shyup will upgrade to the plate armor +2 in addition to his shield +1. He recovered his spear +1 from the ogre fight, and is prepared to swap to a mundane long sword if the spear is needed as a missile weapon (although he also has a light crossbow stored in his pack). His job will be to keep the dragon’s attention, however, with his armor class up to 22 against melee attacks (21 otherwise). (A magic spear might attract the dragon’s legendary greed, in fact.)

Maple is wielding a two-handed sword +1 / +2 against lycanthropes, and she is focused on trying to stay behind the dragon to use her backstab skills. She’s limited in which kinds of magical weapons she can carry; otherwise she might try to use Shyup’s spear as a missile weapon.

Essentially, they’re going to try to replicate their success against the white worm, although they know this foe is far craftier and fiercer. But the dragon is certainly the worst evil in the Delve… not to mention, almost certainly the most wealthy.

They’ll take the same dwarves-at-arms and porters as during their last several forays.

  • Dwarves (6): HD 1 (3, 7, 8, 5, 8, 8 hp); AC 15; Atk war hammer (1d4+1); Move 6; Save 15; Morale 10; Special: +1 to attack rolls (+2 total), +2 to saves and morale (included), darkvision 60’, detects attributes of stonework. Speak Dwarven and Common.
  • Porters (2): HD 1d6 (2, 5 hp); Atk dagger (d4); Move 12; Save 18; Morale 7. Speak Common.

What other magical items have they recovered that might be useful?

  • war hammer +2: I don’t think I feel comfortable using this with a dwarf-at-arms, considering I’m already stretching the rules considerably with them.
  • scroll of continual light: Krimkol has this in case, for some reason, the porters are no longer able to provide illumination.
  • potion of gaseous form: They could use this to infiltrate someone into the dragon’s lair (without equipment). Alternatively, in a pinch, this could be used to escape. They’ll give it to Maple, who can use it to scout out the situation.
  • potions of healing (2): I completely forgot they found these! One for Shyup, one for Chuckles.


The Underclock starts at 20 and the die size is a d6. They are not casting spells until they reach the dragon’s lair, if at all possible. (Parouz may cast sleep if needed, as she does not expect that to work on a dragon!)

Again, two rolls on level 7, one each on 8 and 9 (with a smaller die size), and none on 10.

  • Level 7-1: d6! = 4 => 20-4=16
  • Level 7-2: d6! = 4 => 16-4=12
  • Level 8: d4! = 3 => 12-3=9
  • Level 9: d4! = 2 => 9-2=7

Turn 1

Now on level 10, there’s no Underclock rolls. But there are a pair of tuatera lizards near the stairs down, so I need to check their status. First, are they still present (highly likely)? Yes. Are they surprised by the party? No. What’s their reaction? Hostile and immediate aggression.

That’s unfortunate, because we really didn’t want to fight them.

  • Tuatara Lizard: HD 6 (31, 39 hp); AC 15; Atk 2 claws (1d4), bite (2d6); Move 9; Save 12; Morale 6; AL N; CL/XP 7/600; Special: None.

At the start of the encounter, they are 50 feet away.

Round 1: Parouz can’t cast sleep on them, because they have 5 or more hit dice. The adventurers win initiative. In the movement phase, all of the adventurers get into melee with the lizards. In melee, Maple tries to use her ball bearings to have them slip and lose their footing, giving everyone a bonus to hit them. But they get to roll saves against hat: the first succeeds, but the second one does fall. The adventurers concentrate their attacks on the one that fell: Chuckles hits but the lizard’s tough hide repels the blow. Krimkol cuts into it with his battle axe for 3 damage. Parouz likewise slashes with her long sword for another 6 damage. Shyup thrusts his spear into the creature for 7 damage. The second lizard is therefore down to 23 hit points. The dwarves surround the other lizard, and the one facing it misses. Of the other five, one hits for 4 damage, reducing it to 27 hp. On its turn, the first lizard attacks the dwarf in front of it, clawing and biting him to death. The other lizard gets back up on its feet.

Round 2: The lizards win the initiative this time, and the first lizard snaps at another dwarf, doing 4 points of damage (down to 3 hp). The second lizard attacks Chuckles, only clawing him for 2 damage (down to 31 hp). Chuckles faces the lizard and smashes it in the face for 8 damage before Krimkol slashes it for 9 more. Parouz succeeds in dealing another 6 points of damage, which is 23 damage total and enough to kill it. Maple tries to backstab the other lizard, and in fact she gets a very solid set of slashes for (at her level) triple damage. That means 24 damage, and the lizard is down to 3 hp. Shyup spears it to finish it off.

Unfortunately, they lost one of their adventuring dwarves.

Turn 2

They continue past the lizard’s nest, determined to return for the body of their comrade on their way back. They descend to level 11, hoping the troglodytes are still friendly(ish) as an entire tribe. That’s likely, but the oracle says no.” So they need to move cautiously, and they get to the emissaries cave where 8 trogs are guarding the stairs up to the dragon.

The trogs are surprised, however, giving Parouz a chance to cast sleep as she had prepared. She does so, and only three of them fall into a slumber.

  • Troglodytes (5): HD 2 (10, 9, 10, 7, 12 hp); AC 15; Atk 2 claws (1d3), Bite (1d4+1) or by weapon with shield (1d8); Move 12; Save 16; Morale 8; AL C; CL/XP 3/60; Special: Stench, chameleon skin.

The trogs are only 20 feet away when the encounter begins.

Round 1: Fortunately, the adventurers win initiative. In the movement and missiles phase, first Maple aims her bow at the weakest troglodyte, hitting it for 6 damage (down to 1 hp). The others move into melee. Chuckles attacks the first one, but he’s unable to get a hit in. Krimkol is in single combat with the second trog with the same non-result. Parouz slices into the third trog for 8 damage, reudcing it to 2 hp. Shyup tries to finish that one off, attacking from behind but doesn’t score any real hits. The remaining dwarves at arms all rush in to attack, but the trogs dodge most of the assault and their hide armor absorbs the rest. Chuckles evades the claws of his enemy and fends off a bite with his shield. Another one claws Krimkol for only 3 damage (down to 23 hp). Parouz is clawed and bitten for 8 damage, leaving her at 6 hp!! The two trogs attacking Shyup cannot get past his defenses.

Round 2: Again, the adventurers go first. Maple moves behind the trogs with her two-handed sword at the ready. She strikes at the (third) troglodyte attacking Parouz, completely destroying it. Chuckles strikes heavy blows on his enemy, dealing 8 damage (leaving it at 2 hp). Krimkol similarly overcomes his opponent’s defenses and deals 7 damage, reducing it to 2 hp as well. Parouz, freed from her immediate opponent, turns to support Chuckles and kills his enemy (the first trog). Shyup is facing the last two, although he’s unable to hit either of them. The dwarves at arms split behind the trogs, 2 to support Krimkol and the others for Shyup. As a result, the 4th trog goes down. The remaining two opponents must make morale checks; one fails and runs away.

Round 3: That last troglodyte moves quickly and wins initiative. It attacks Shyup but cannot hit him. He returns the blows, which distracts the monster enough for Maple to sink her sword into its spine, killing it.

The stench is overwhelming, and they’ll take a moment to recover.

  • Rest roll: d4! = 3 => 7-3=4
  • Regular roll: d4! = 1 => 4-1=3

They can see some orange jelly surfacing from the lake; Shyup and the dwarves will screen it out in case it comes this way. Everyone is back to full hp.

Turn 3

Krimkol prays for his gods to bless the party, and this time it extends to all of the main adventurers as well as the first dwarf, giving them +1 to attack rolls and morale. He also casts protection from evil on himself, effectively improving his AC and saving throw by 1 if the attack or effect comes from an evil source.

In parallel, Parouz casts strength on Shyup, giving him 2d4 = 4 points of Strength. That maxes his Strength for the next 8 hours. As a result, he gets another +1 to hit and +3 to damage. He also has a 5-in-6 chance to open doors, in case they run into any. Because her shield spell only lasts 2 turns, she will wait for that one.

  • Underclock: d4! = 4 => 3-4=-1 (encounter, reset to 20)

Turn 4

Before they can continue, the ochre jelly emerges from the lake. It doesn’t seem to be heading in their direction, though (reaction: confused), so they’ll leave it alone and head up the stairs.

Dulwin, the Black Wyrm Dulwin, the Black Wyrm. (c) 2019 Dyson Logos.

At the top of the stairs, they find two caverns to their left and right. On the left is a massive pile of treasure in the form of coins and a pair of coffers. To the right, a black dragon is resting in his lair. In theory, the smart thng to do would be to try to take the coffers without waking the dragon - but no guts, no glory, am I right?

Before they move into the caverns, Parouz casts shield on herself, improving her AC against missile attacks to 17. (It can’t raise her AC against melee any higher than it already is.) She does not know whether this will matter against a dragon.

Turn 5

Finally, Krimkol casts silence on Maple. She will move around behind the dragon and try to backstab it to start the fight. Is it even awake to see her (50/50)? No, it’s asleep.

  • Dulwin, Adult Black Dragon: HD 7 (28 hp); AC 17; Atk 2 claws (d4), bite (3d6); Move 9 (Fly 24); Save 9; Morale 8; AL C; CL/XP 9/1300; Special: Breath weapon (60’ line of acid, 28 damage, save for half); Spells: charm person, magic missile, sleep, read languages.

In reality, there’s only a chance the dragon is actually surprised. If he’s not, though, it’s likely he’ll notice the larger party rather than the thief sneaking up behind him. The dice say he’s not surprised, sadly. Maple doesn’t succeed on her Hide in Shadows” check, so does he notice the party (likely) or her? The party. He wakes up and roars in anger. It’s on, at 50’ of distance!

Round 1: The adventurers have the initiative and rush into the cavern; Shyup positions himself in front of the dragon, backed up by Chuckles. The others get to the dragon’s flanks. In the melee phase, Maple goes first; she is capable of ending the fight at once with her magic two-handed sword. She leaps onto his back and plunges the sword into his neck, dealing over 30 damage! (Not only did she succeed, she rolled a 10 on her two-handed sword+1 damage.)

While this is enough to kill him, I don’t think a dragon should die to a one-shot (plus I technically rolled simultaneous initiative” twice in a row), so he’ll get off a breath weapon and some flailing attacks first. Dulwin spews a line of acid at the adventurers in front of him. Chuckles saves and takes 14 damage, as does Chuckles, leaving them at 19 and 21 hp respectively. He then claws (randomly) at Shyup, who dodges one and parries the other! As the dragon dies, though, he brings down his massive jaws on Chuckles - but the barbarian shoves his shield between the dragon’s teeth, hearing it crunch.

The dragon crashes to the ground, and the cavern falls silent before the adventurers erupt in cheers. It’s over. Dulwin’s corpse has a pair of keys tied on a chain around his neck, which fit the coffers in the treasure hoard. It will take them some time to recover all of this treasure, as it contains 95000 silver pieces, 20000 electrum pieces, and the coffers contain a total of 10000 gp worth of jewelry.

Rewards and Experience

  • Monsters:
    • Tuatara Lizards: 2x 600 XP
    • Troglodytes: 8x 60 XP
    • Black Dragon: 1300 XP
  • Treasure:
    • 95000 sp = 9500 gp
    • 20000 ep = 10000 gp
    • 10000 gp in jewelry

From monsters, that’s a total of 2980 XP. In treasure, that’s 29500 gp/XP, for a total of 32480 XP, or 6496 XP each before bonuses.

Perhaps even more importantly, giving each of the surviving dwarves-at-arms a half-share of treasure, each adventurer gains 3933 gp and the dwarves gain 1967 gp.


As this is the end of this campaign, and our time with these adventurers, I want to flash forward in time a bit and imagine where they each end up eventually.


Chuckles ends the campaign with 36535 XP, making him a 5th-level Barbarian. He has approximately 8700 gold or so.

After defeating the dragon, he goes on an epic bender for the next several months, but eventually he wakes up penniless in a tavern with nothing to his name but whatever he can carry on his back and an empty coin purse. Until a wizard walks in and tells him he has some work…


When all is said and done, Krimkol has earned 34289 XP, reaching 5th level as a Dwarven Priest. His personal treasury comes to over 14k gp.

He then returns to his underground city to commune with his gods. He spends the next several years leading a home guard unit, repelling underground invaders and eventually helping to carve his name into the side of a temple to carry on his legacy to future generations.


Our favorite Elfblade has gained 34339 XP and is still 4th level due to her XP debt. Her wealth sums to about 15k gp.

Parouz returns to her homeland with the other elves. Like Krimkol, for a time she serves in a guardian capacity, but eventually sails with a group of elves into the sky to find adventure in other planes of existence.


Shyup has 22817 XP, leaving him as a 5th level fighter. He has accumulated approximately 9k gp.

He stays near the Delve, attaching himself to the archduke and rising to become a castellan of a castle out in the borderlands and founding his own noble line.


Maple racked up 23867 XP during the campaign, putting her up to 6th level as a thief. Her coffers are filled with over 7k gold pieces.

She later tries to join a thieves’ guild in a large city, but her inability to relate well with other people keeps her from ascending in those ranks. Eventually, she just leads a gang of street rats in a smaller urban area, never quite returning to the heights of her adventuring days.


This is the end of the adventuring sessions, but I will have one more post in this series to talk about what I’ve learned in the game. And of course, more OD&D is coming as soon as I can get to it!

Some links above are affiliate links, which don’t cost you anything but help me pay for the supplements I buy for these games.

Up next Dyson’s Delve - Session 20 Dyson’s Delve and Swords & Wizardry - Retrospective
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