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Domain of Heryngard

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Heryngard - Session 4 August 27, 2024 Swords & Wizardry & OD&D & Domain of Heryngard & D30 Sandbox Companion & Tome of Adventure Design I’ve finished the Uldra Cthon; now it’s time to head out into the world. Goals for this session: Finish recovery for Hraegosh (injured in the Uldra Heryngard - Session 3 August 18, 2024 Swords & Wizardry & OD&D & Domain of Heryngard & D30 Sandbox Companion Let’s flesh out the village of Caer Morag and the surrounding area while the group spends a few more days here. Then they’ll head back to the Uldra Heryngard - Session 2 August 17, 2024 Swords & Wizardry & OD&D & Domain of Heryngard & D30 Sandbox Companion Last session was very long; in fact, I think it was one of the longest I’ve done on this blog. This session is much shorter, but represents a very Heryngard - Session 1 August 14, 2024 Swords & Wizardry & OD&D & Domain of Heryngard & D30 Sandbox Companion & Tome of Adventure Design I enjoyed my last campaign of Swords & Wizardry Complete (S&W) with Dyson’s Delve, but I wanted to try something based on the lessons I learned then