Solo Skald |||

Last session of Dyson’s Delve turned out more eventful than I had anticipated. This session will deal with the aftermath of those events and, hopefully, point the way forward to a new approach for this group.


I’ve said many times here that the needs of a solo game are not the same as the needs of a group game. So after checking into the AD&D suggested prices for NPC spell casting and reviewing the stats of Illuin (the 3rd-level thief killed by a single tail spike from a manticore last session), I have decided not to have the party pay for a cleric to cast raise dead. That would cost 4500 gp, which the party does in fact have available (albeit this would constitute a major chunk of their available resources). But, due to her low Constitution score, she would only have a 50% chance to survive the attempt, and she’d likely be killed the next time they faced anything moderately dangerous. What’s more, 4500 gold can hire a whole army of retainers or other services if needed.

Instead, with regret, the surviving adventurers will proceed as a group of four, plus however many retainers they find appropriate. Last time, they took seven mercenaries and a few lantern carriers, although mercenaries of that sort will not be useful against some kinds of enemies.

I hope that downtime (affiliate link) will give me some ideas for things to happen down in the dungeon.

Downtime: Khnar

The elven fighter continues to work on mastering a new martial technique, the Shield Bash. I already had him on a four-step tracker for this project, currently standing at 1 out of 4. This time, he makes good progress mastering the technique, getting to 2/4 and the next attempt will automatically be a success with no roll.

Downtime: Krimkol

After two failed attempts at spiritual exercises related to his staff of healing, the dwarven priest has accepted that his gods have not chosen him simply to provide comfort to his allies. Instead, he will serve as the instrument of his gods’ judgment against their foes.

To that end, he will engage in martial training as well, attempting to keep in form. He’s a little rusty, so he’ll get +1 to hit until the next downtime.

Downtime: Chuckles

The human outlander (barbarian) has once again accumulated more wealth than he’s comfortable carrying around, and he has no interested in being tied down to any one place. Instead, he’ll commit to another night of revelry in the honor of his fallen comrade, Illuin. This costs a total of 450 gp but also gains him 450 XP from his wild experience. Of course, given that he’s doing this partly in her remembrance, he’s engaged in all sorts of consciousness-altering activities. Perhaps that will come up later if he’s subjected to some else’s magic.

Downtime: Parouz

The elfblade considers going out with Chuckles to indulge her own wild side, but she decides that she will hit up Illuin’s old contacts to gather intelligence on this group of adventurers” that they’ve discovered in the dungeon. As last time, no one is talking, but she does hear a rumor that something much more powerful dwells far below. This will give the group something to watch for as they continue their explorations.


They didn’t use any of their oil last time, and with Illuin’s death they have an excess of miscellaneous equipment: caltrops, ball bearings, rope, grappling hook, crowbar, etc. That will go to Chuckles, who will be carrying out at least some of the scouting duties (albeit not as dextrously as the thief did).

They’ll continue to employ the same retainers as before:

  • Dwarves (3): HD 1 (3, 3, 7 hp); AC 15; Atk war hammer (1d4+1); Move 6; Save 15; Morale 10; Special: +1 to attack rolls (+2 total), +2 to saves and morale (included), darkvision 60’, detects attributes of stonework. Speak Dwarven and Common.
  • Crossbowmen (2): HD 1 (8, 8 hp); AC 12; Atk heavy crossbow (d6+1), short sword (d6); Move 12; Save 17; Morale 9; Special: missile rate of fire 1/2. Speak Common.
  • Pikemen (2): HD 1 (4, 5 hp); AC 12; Atk polearm (d8+1); Move 12; Save 17; Morale 9. Speak Common.
  • Lantern Carriers (2): HD 1d6 (2, 6 hp); Atk spear (d6); Move 12; Save 18; Morale 7. Speak Common.

Krimkol and Khnar’s charisma and ancestry bonuses are already reflected in the above. Of course, while the lantern carriers have spears, those are last-ditch weapons and they are not expected to fight. If they do have to fight, they’ll be paid a bonus after the delve. Chuckles buys another set of 3 dried rations per member of the party (39 total).

Parouz will bear the new sword +1 / +3 vs spellcasters that they found in the manticores’ hoard. After some thought, I think that it makes the most sense to interpret this as a long sword. This means that, under normal circumstances, she’ll have the same damage bonus as when wielding the bastard sword she previously wielded. Should they run into more of those enemy mages, she’ll be ready. She also hangs onto the wand of paralysis while Chuckles will carry the helm of alignment change.


The elfblade, as the only arcane mage in the group, will also carry the scroll of protection from evil. She’ll prepare read magic, detect magic, and sleep as her spells for the day. Krimkol, in line with his new understanding of his role, prepares two spells, detect evil and protection from evil. (He needs to reach another level to get 2nd-level spells, and dwarven priests’ XP progression is significantly slower than that of regular clerics.)

The group has decided that there’s no profit in going after the living statues, and they’re going to do their best not to tangle with the gargoyles. If that should come about, then Krimkol and Parouz will attempt to use their magic weapons while Chuckles tries to slam down the helm of alignment change on one of them. Alternatively, they might need to make a deal with the kobolds to trap or entangle them somehow, but ideally they just don’t encounter them at all.

So the marching order in corridors is thus:

  1. Khnar and Krimkol
  2. Pikemen
  3. Parouz and Chuckles
  4. Lantern Carrier and Dwarf
  5. Crossbowmen
  6. Lantern Carrier and Dwarf
  7. Dwarf

Ideally, the lantern carriers will never get into a fight, and if something comes up behind them, the dwarves can hold it off while the rest of the party redeploys.


The Underclock starts out at 20 and the Underworld die remains at d6. Finding the rumored side entrance will help, but for now they need to traverse each level in turn, at least with the fast travel” method I’ve been using.

However, I also think they’ve pacified the upper levels quite a bit with repeated delves. Therefore, they will only need to make one roll per level on levels 1-4. As level 5, as designed, has a lower frequency of encounters, they’ll also only make one roll there (rather than adjust the die size as I did before).

  • Level 1: d6! = 6+6+2 = 14 => 20-14 = 6
  • Level 2: d6! = 5 => 6-5= 1
  • Level 3: d6! = 4 => 1-4 = -3 (encounter and reset clock to 20)

This is the crypt level, not as peaceful” as the levels above it. The party encounters a group of six zombies, and neither side is surprised. As mindless undead, I’m not going to roll a reaction for them this time.

  • Zombies (6): HD 2 (12, 15, 13, 9, 14, 16 hp); AC 11; Atk 1 strike (d8); Move 6; Save 16; Morale 12; Special: Immune to sleep and charm

The encounter begins with the groups about 30 feet apart.

Round 1: Krimkol stands still and holds his holy symbol high, beginning a prayer to rebuke (turn) the undead. Initiative will occur simultaneously. During the movement phase, Chuckles pushes forward with Khnar and the pikemen, while the crossbowmen let fly: one of them hits a zombie for 5 damage (taking the first one from 12 to 7 hp). The zombies shuffle forward and the first two engage the first rank of adventurers; somehow they manage to hit Khnar for 6 damage (he’s down to 14 hp) and Chuckles for 4 damage (he’s down to 22 hp). None of the adventuring party’s melee attacks hit, and then Krimkol completes his prayer. That succeeds in turning all of the zombies, who flee back into the darkness.

The group does not wait around on this level for their return.

  • Level 4: d6! = 2 => 20-2 = 18
  • Level 5: d6! = 6+6+6+4 = 22 => 18-22 = -4 (encounter and reset clock to 20)

(Exploding dice do funny things sometimes.) The adventurers cozme across a carrion crawler (“carrion creeper” as listed in Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised). It moves to attack them as soon as they see each other.

  • Carrion Creeper: HD 3 (16 hp); AC 14; Atk bite (1 hp) and 6 tentacles (paralysis); Move 12; Save 14; Morale 9; AL N; CL/XP 5/240; Special: paralysis (save or paralysis for 2d6 turns).

The encounter happens at 20 feet of distance; there’s not much time to maneuver here.

Round 1: No spells this time. The adventurers win initiative, so the crossbowmen launch their bolts. Both hit for a total of 9 damage, taking it down to 7 hit points. Chuckles throws a spear, but it misses. Parouz chucks some flaming oil, setting it on fire and doing 3 damage (4 hp left). The two front ranks get into melee with the creature; do they have room to maneuver around it (unlikely)? Yes, this is a relatively open space on the level. So Khnar and Krimkol will face it directly while the retainers get to attack it from behind (if needed). The dwarven priest hits it for 3 damage, and a pikeman finishes it off.

Turn 1

Thus the group enters level 6 without too much trouble. There’s still a chain and padlock on the door near the stairs that lead down into this level, as seen on Turn 13 of session 10. The halls outside of the room have relief carvings of gargoyles. After having confronted some animated gargoyles the last time they were here, and seeing that many of the carvings have been chipped or damaged by weapon blows,” they decide not to open it just yet.

  • Underclock: d6! = 4 => 20-4 = 16

Turn 2

Instead, they’ll move around towards the square spiral around the stairs, finding more broken gargoyle bits and fresh-ish blood stains (possibly from the fights they themselves were in before). They’ll open the secret door previously identified. The mages are no longer here, of course, so there’s less of a reason for any guards to be standing around the stairs. I decide that makes it extremely unlikely and check with the oracle: nope, it’s quiet here. Perhaps they can hear wererats somewhere, but for now the adventurers are heading down to level 7.

  • Underclock: d6! = 2 => 16-2 = 14

Turn 3

Dysons Delve Level 7 Cartography by Dyson Logos (c) 2019

This level looks considerably different than those above it. The ceiling is 40’ high, and the spiral staircase descends into the center of a grand temple. The floor still has some marks from previous battles here. Four acolytes guard the stairs, with a vicar standing further back. Actually, on second glance, the vicar is not exactly standing but levitating a few feet off the ground. The worshippers here are not surprised, and they have hostile expressions on their faces.

  • Acolytes (4): HD 1 (7, 6, 1, 1 hp); AC 17; Atk mace (d6); Move 9; Save 15; Morale 7
  • Vicar: HD 4 (13 hp); AC 17; Atk warhammer +2 (d4+3); Move 12; Save 12; Morale 8; Special: levitate, spells (cure light wounds, hold person, light)

The groups are about 50 feet apart when the encounter starts, so this must be when the group first appears on the staircase.

Round 1: The chaotic vicar raises his hands in prayer to some foul power and begins to cast hold person on Khnar, Krimkol, and one of the pikemen. (In S&W, elves cannot be paralyzed by ghouls”, which is something that would have come in handy to understand before but does not apply to this spell.) The worshippers win the initiative roll. The acolytes surround the landing of the stairs, maces at the ready. Khnar and Krimkol descend along with the pikemen. The crossbowmen take aim at the vicar but miss and thus do not interrupt his spell. Chuckles and Parouz push past them, but they’re not going to engage in melee this round. In the melee, the acolytes each target one of the four adventurers who have reached the bottom. Only Krimkol is hit, for 3 damage (he’s down to 12 hp). The vicar completes his spell, so it’s time for saving throws. Khnar and the pikeman save against the magic, but Krimkol is held in place despite his resistance as both a dwarf and a priest. (He will be held for 9 full turns.) Khnar attacks three acolytes, killing one of them. The pikemen each attack the first two acolytes without effect.

Round 2: Parouz begins to cast magic missile on the vicar. This time, the adventurers win initiative, and the rest of the party gets down the stairs while the crossbowmen reload. The vicar descends from his levitation and enters the fight directly. In melee, Khnar lays about with his battle axe, but the acolytes are too heavily-armored for him or the pikemen to get through. Chuckles goes for the vicar directly, his face set in determination, and his bastard sword hits the enemy for 2 points of damage (11 hp). Parouz’s spell completes, hitting the same enemy for another 2 points (9 hp). The dwarves get behind two of the acolytes, hitting the first one for 4 damage (3 hp) and the second one for 3 damage (4 hp). In response, the vicar swings his warhammer at Chuckles, intoning evil, and hits for 6 damage (16 hp remaining). The acolytes attack Khnar and the pikemen; each of the pikemen take 2 damage, taking them to 2 and 3 hp respectively.

Round 3: No spells this time. The evil clergy win the initiative roll, but they don’t have any missile weapons. The crossbowmen have finished reloading but don’t see any clean shots at their enemies, so they’ll leap behind the vicar with their short swords. The acolytes continue to attack Khnar and the pikemen; one of the pikemen falls, and the other takes another point of damage (down to 2 hp). The vicar attacks Chuckles again, but this time he misses. Khnar kills another acolyte, and Chuckles isn’t able to hit the vicar. But Parouz has entered the fight proper with her sword +3 versus the vicar (something she definitely should have done sooner); in any case, she is barely unable to hit her enemy. The dwarves behind him attack, and one does 4 points of damage (5 hp). The remaining pikeman lays about with his polearm but doesn’t damage any enemies. I should have rolled for morale earlier, so I’ll do that now: they all succeed. With a fallen comrade, the retainers need to do the same, and they also stand fast.

Round 4: Again, no magic spells will be cast. (Krimkol must be raging inside, but he cannot move!) The adventurers have the initiative this time. Khnar misses, as does the pikeman. Chuckles hits the vicar for 2 damage (3 hp). Parouz feels like time slows down as she finds an opening behind her enemy and brings her sword down on him, hitting for 10 damage and killing him outright. The dwarves and crossbowmen attack the remaining acolytes, killing one of them. The other needs to make his morale roll: he fails and surrenders. Despite their anger, the group stays their blades rather than executing him.

(In hindsight, Parouz should have used her sleep spell!)

  • Underclock: d6! = 6+3 = 9 => 14-9 = 5

Turn 4

There’s no monetary treasure here, but the vicar’s warhammer is magical and he was wearing boots of levitation. Chuckles takes the warhammer +2 while Parouz takes the boots. This would be a particularly poor place to rest, but they don’t know anything about what’s outside of this room. Parouz places her sword against the prisoner’s neck while Chuckles ties him up, then places the helm of alignment change on him. The retainers will try to carry Krimkol while they make their way back to the level above.

  • Underclock: d6! = 4 => 5-4 = 1

Turn 5

This stairwell area back up on level 6 isn’t a great place to rest, but it’s somewhat less exposed than the temple area. They’ll take a short rest here, which will restore all hp for the gorup, allow Krimkol movement again, and give them time to question the prisoner. With the helm changing his alignment, he’s somewhat more cooperative. He tells them that there’s another stairwell on that level that leads back up to a section on this level, which matches the map the group recovered a while ago. He also tells them that they have another exit to the surface here; they’ve heard of such a thing from other sources but didn’t know its location. (He’s aligned with Law now, but that’s not the same as being their friend. That said, he also knows they could kill him at any moment, and that’s a powerful motivator in combination with the magical effect.)

  • Underclock: d6! = 1 => 1-1 = 0 (omen and reset to 3)

On level 6, they hear a scraping sound, similar to that of the gargoyles before.

  • Underclock: d6! = 6+6+1 = 13 => 3-13 = -10 (encounter and reset to 20)

Turn 6

Five gargoyles come upon them. The group isn’t surprised, having heard them coming, and neither are the gargoyles. Unfortunately, the gargoyles are immediately hostile.

  • Gargoyles (5): HD 4 (21, 23, 23, 18, 17 hp); AC 14; Atk 2 claws (1d3), bite (1d4), horn (1d6); Move 9 (fly 15); Save 13; Morale 11; AL C; CL/XP 6/400; Special: +1 or better magic weapon to hit.

Three of the adventurers have magical weapons, but of course the retainers do not. Krimkol has recovered, at least. The encounter starts at 40 feet of distance, meaning the gargoyles are coming down the corridor. This allows Krimkol and Khnar to face the first two; Chuckles and Parouz are behind them, but I don’t think they can reach them directly unless the gargoyles fly up and over.

Round 1: Parouz begins to cast read magic to use her protection from evil scroll. (Casting sleep would only affect one of them, which isn’t that useful at the moment.) The gargoyles win initiative, so they close the distance. In melee, Khnar and Krimkol take no damage, but Krimkol can’t hit them either. (At this moment, I realize that I have made an error: Khnar does not have a magical weapon!) Parouz finishes casting her spell and can read the scroll next turn.

Round 2: Again, the gargoyles win initiative. Do two of them fly over the melee to attack the second rank (likely)? Yes, they’ll do just that. In melee, then, Khnar takes 3 damage from a claw (down to 17 hp). Krimkol takes no damage. The gargoyles hovering over Chuckles and Parouz don’t make attacks this time (in hindsight, I confused my own reading of the rules), but they’ll be subject to the group’s counterattacks. Unfortunately, none of them can hit the flying creatures. Parouz reads the scroll and gains a +1 AC bonus against the gargoyles and other Chaotic creatures (but not natural animals like giant rats).

Round 3: This time, initiative occurs simultaneously. The group decides to withdraw back down to level 7 (because their route back up is blocked by the monsters). Do the gargoyles follow them down the stairs (50/50)? Yes, they do.

Round 4: Back in the temple area, the adventurers win initiative. Khnar and the retainers (along with the prisoner) will try to retreat through the fire chapel to the northwest. Chuckles, Parouz, and Krimkol will try to hold the enemies off for one round, giving their allies a chance to get away. Does the harpy (which I just realized is southeast of the main temple) come to investigate (likely)? Yes, she flies in and sees the gargoyles assaulting the group. In melee, Krimkol attacks a gargoyle and hits it for 9 damage (14 hp). Chuckles misses, but Parouz hits her foe for 7 damage (16 hp). The gargoyles attack: two on Krimkol, two on Chuckles, and one on Parouz. Krimkol is clawed and horned for 5 damage (10 hp) by his first assailant, then clawed and bit for another 7 damage (down to 3 hp) by the second. Chuckles similarly is clawed and horned for 7 damage (down to 19 hp), then clawed and horned again for 7 damage (12 hp). Parouz is clawed and horned for 5 damage (down to 7 hp).

  • Harpy: HD 3 (17 hp); AC 12; Atk 2 talons (1d3) and weapon (1d6); Move 6 (fly 18); Save 14; Morale 7; AL C; CL/XP 4/120; Special: charm person (touch, as spell, save avoids), siren-song (drawn toward harpy, save avoids)

Round 5: The harpy is going for the gargoyles (really, everyone) and starts her siren song. The adventurers win initiative and start their retreat (we’ll look at the group in there after this combat.) The gargoyles have a new threat and go for the harpy; we’ll leave that to the side for now, because the monsters fighting among themselves is as good as the adventurers could hope for.

  • Underclock: d8! = 1 => 20-1 = 19

Turn 7

This was a very near thing, as the group came close to experiencing a total loss. They are certainly not out of danger yet, either.

In this room — a fire chapel with the walls completely covered in candles and wax — they encounter 8 fire beetles. Due to the prisoner’s presence, I’ll give the group +2 to the reaction roll: the beetles aren’t immediately hostile, so as long as the adventurers leave them alone, there’s no need for a fight. (They can still hear the screeching and scraping back in the temple.)

The northwest corner has a door covered in wax; the elves notice it even before the prisoner points it out. They’ll have to scrape that off a bit before they can open it.

  • Underclock: d8! = 7 => 19-7 = 12

Turn 8

With that wax removal complete, they can carefully make their way into the stairwell and back up to the other section of level 6. In there, they find an empty guard post; empty weapon racks line the sides.

  • Underclock: d8! = 3 => 12-3 = 9

Turn 9

A corridor leads south out of here, through an archway, and has several side passages. The treasure map they had previously recovered indicates that they should continue as far as they can in this corridor before turning left (east). There they find a door, and Chuckles listens. However, he hears nothing on the other side. Khnar puts his shoulder into it and forces the door open.

  • Underclock: d8! = 4 => 9-4 = 5

Turn 10

This is another unoccupied guard room without furnishings. There’s a door on the right bearing an old sigil; after some inspection, Parouz decides it’s non-magical. Chuckles listens again, but as before there is only silence. In fact, they hear nothing from the rest of the level at all. Khnar has a little trouble with the door, and Krimkol helps him out.

  • Underclock: d8! = 8 => 5-8 = -3 (encounter and reset to 20)

Turn 11

The corridor is empty, but behind them a gelatinous cube slurps its way towards them. Both sides are surprised, so fortunately that’s effectively a push. The cube hesitates; this is a lot of prey, but sometimes that means a lot of danger. The adventurers are not looking for a fight; they’d like to get to a safe place and rest. Eventually, it turns and slides back the way it came.

  • Underclock: d8! = 4 => 20-4 = 16

Turn 12

The map indicates a door at the end of the corridor, but the door they see seems to be on the wrong wall. After a moment of inspection, Khnar (an elf) realizes there’s a secret door on wall where the map indicates, and this time he has no trouble opening it. There’s a small secret room inside with two locked coffers. Without a thief, they’ll have to take these with them and open them later. This also makes a fifth room explored on this delve for a minor feat of exploration.

This seems like a good defensible place to rest again, particularly since it’s a secret room. Per the Underclock guidance, if you are in a secret room that no one else knows about, you don’t need to make any rolls.” So that’s what happens this time. Everyone who’s still alive gets back to full hp. That said, the Underworld die steps up to a d10 now.

Turn 13

Back in the corridor, outside the secret door, Chuckles listens at the regular door and doesn’t hear anything. Given their precarious state, they decide to leave it alone for now. They can come back to it later.

  • Underclock: d10! = 4 => 16-4 = 12

Turn 14

They’re back down in that fire chapel with the fire beetles. Chuckles listens to hear if there are still any sounds in the temple; he succeeds. I decide it’s unlikely that any of the inhabitants are still there, and the oracle agrees. The adventurers will move as quietly and carefully as they can through the temple to the chapel in the southeast, in the direction of the side exit their prisoner informed them about.

  • Underclock: d10! = 10+7 = 17 => 12-17 = -5 (encounter and reset to 20)

Turn 15

The group runs into three more acolytes accompanied by an adept. However, the enemies are surprised. The group moves to silence them quickly.

  • Acolytes (4): HD 1 (1, 2, 5, 8 hp); AC 17; Atk mace (d6); Move 9; Save 15; Morale 7
  • Adept: HD 2 (9 hp); AC 17; Atk mace (d6); Move 9; Save 15; Morale 7; Special: spell (cause fear)

The groups are about 30 feet apart when the encounter starts. Two of the acolytes drop their weapons in surprise. (Again in hindsight, this would have been an excellent location for a sleep spell.)

Round 1: With the advantage of surprise, the two crossbowmen immediately fire at the acolytes, killing the second one. Chuckles throws a spear at the third acolyte, but the armor deflects the missile. The other adventurers and hired soldiers move into melee. Khnar gets an attack on each of the remaining acolytes, killing the stoutest of them. The pikeman tries to hit the adept but misses. Parouz attacks the adept, including the extra bonus on her magic sword, but it’s not quite enough and she misses as well. The dwarves attack the other two acolytes, slaughtering them. The adept passes their morale check, though, and does not run.

Round 2: The adept begins to cast cause fear. Initiative occurs simultaneously this round, which effectively means everybody gets to hit the adept because I have spells take effect at the end of the melee phase. Parouz won’t get the bonus for attacking from behind this time, I decide, which is enough to cause her to miss. Chuckles hits the adept with the vicar’s magical war hammer for 3 damage, taking them to 6 hit points and causing them to lose the spell. (This is why simultaneous initiative was bad for the enemy.) Khnar hits them for another 4 damage, leaving them at 2 hp, but Krimkol and the retainers miss.

Round 3: The adept wins initiative and swings at Parouz with their mace, missing. Parouz returns the attack, hitting for 7 damage and killing them.

There’s no time to stick around; the group needs to move before someone comes to investigate.

  • Underclock: d10! = 7 => 20-7 = 13

Turn 16

They are now in the air chapel, where the harpy previously laired. Did she survive the gargoyle assault (unlikely)? No, she didn’t, or at least she’s not here now. But there are still three of her acolytes here. The adventurers catch them by surprise; perhaps the dice want them to make it through. I’m quite concerned for them anyway.

  • Acolytes (3): HD 1 (4, 6, 3 hp); AC 17; Atk mace (d6); Move 9; Save 15; Morale 7

One of the acolytes drops her weapon in surprise.

Round 1: The crossbowmen fire at the two weaker acolytes, taking down both targets. Chuckles hits the other one for 3 damage (down to 3 hp), and Krimkol finishes them off.

  • Underclock: d10! = 10+9 = 19 => 13-19 = -6 (encounter and reset to 20)

Turn 17

One medium (low-level magic user) comes to investigate. There’s been a lot of noise, and certainly by now someone will have noticed that some folks haven’t checked in as expected (particularly the acolyte who surrendered and went missing).

  • Medium (1): HD 1d4 (1 hp); AC 10; Att dagger (1d4) or spell (Protection from Good); Move 12; Save 15; Morale 7

I don’t think the adventurers are going to hold back on this one, even with a single target, particularly since the medium is surprised as well and drops his dagger.

Round 1: A crossbow bolt impales the medium, pinning him to the wall. They leave him and continue their escape.

The door to the south is closed; Chuckles doesn’t hear any noise, and this time they get the pikeman to force the door so that the adventurers will be on their feet in case of combat.

  • Underclock: d10! = 4 => 20-4 = 16

Turn 18

No one else is present in this well-appointed antechamber. They can see a door leading east (to the exit) and an open door to the west, where a few guards are resting in their cloister. If the group has any difficulty opening the exit door, the guards will come to check.

Krimkol pops the door open with a crowbar; do the guards hear anything (50/50)? No; maybe the oracle really has decided they can make it out.

  • Underclock: d10! = 9 => 16-9 = 7

Turn 19

This long hallway (350 feet) is decorated with a variety of tapestries, lit by torches”. There are four acolytes guarding here, but their attention is focused on the actual outside exit. They’re surprised from behind by the adventurers!

  • Acolytes (4): HD 1 (3, 5, 2, 6 hp); AC 17; Atk mace (d6); Move 9; Save 15; Morale 7

All of the guards hold onto their weapons, and the encounter starts from 60 feet away. (Again with me not using Parouz’s sleep spell.)

Round 1: The crossbowmen immediately kill the second guard that had 5 hp. The four adventurers charge forward, with the pikeman just behind. Khnar hits a guard, but does no damage because of the armor. Krimkol kills one of them, and the other two adventurers fail to hit their targets. The pikeman hits another guard for 5 damage. Only one acolyte remains, and he surrenders. They tie him up and leave him with the corpses of his friends.

  • Underclock: d10! = 6 => 7-6 = 1

Turn 20

They reach the exit, which is a carved fresco in the style of the four elements”. (Is this a reference to a famous old D&D dungeon? Maybe!) The adventurers have no trouble forcing it open and escaping into the sunlight!

I decide that escaping the dungeon with a live prisoner from the elemental cult is a major feat of exploration.

Rewards and Experience

  • Monsters: 1 carrion creeper; 11 acolytes; 1 vicar; 1 adept; 1 medium
  • Treasure: warhammer +2; boots of levitation; 2 locked coffers
  • Feats of Exploration: 1 minor (five rooms); 1 major (escaping with a prisoner)

The adventurers earn 240 XP from the carrion creeper, 15 XP each from the acolytes (for a total of 165 XP), 240 XP from the vicar, 30 XP from the adept, and 15 XP from the medium, for a total of 690 XP from monsters.

For the coffers, they get a fence to do the honors, but she charges a 10% finders fee. The first coffer contains 800 sp, 500 gp, and a 100 gp gem (total of 680 gp of value). The second contains scrolls of continual light, knock, and fireball in a jeweled scroll tube worth 1200 gp. That’s 1880 gp total, so the group gets 1692 gp after the fee and an equivalent amount of XP.

I forgot to recalculate TXP for feats of exploration, so I’ll do that now:

  • Chuckles: 7000
  • Khnar: 4000 (he should have leveled up already, oops)
  • Krimkol: 7000
  • Parouz: 7000

(By the way, this points out the reason that some of the optional classes aren’t as amazing as they might seem: they advance far slower than many of the standard classes.) In any case, that’s 25000 TXP, so a minor feat at 2% is worth 500 XP and a major feat at 5% is worth 1250 XP. That’s 1750 XP total from feats of exploration.

Therefore, the group is awarded 4132 XP total, which is 1033 XP each.

Honestly, when they got ambushed by those gargoyles, I thought they were goners. That went double when I realized that there was a harpy in the next room (who should have come to investigate during the fight with the vicar).

She might still be around someplace, actually; it would be a shame if she just didn’t get to interact with them more than trying to drive off the gargoyles. And what will the prisoner tell them?

At least now they don’t have to keep traversing those upper levels when re-entering the dungeon.

Up next Dyson’s Delve - Session 11 Dyson’s Delve - Session 13
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